miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Secnd semester reflections

This semester has been hard too but the worst of it is has become very long and I think that less productive that the first one. Suddenly is Christmas and I don't have the feeling that I really advance in the university things. I hope it end the soon. The good thing is that I do new things like travel to beautiful places, I enjoy more being in my house and worry about it like buy pretty things. I'm a hoomelover so, be in my house surrounded by my things it's something that I appreciate a lot.  

I'm Happy because this year I live hard thing but now I'm alright, I get over a few things that I think it make me a better person? maybe a more understanding person. I hope the people who I love see that and I expect that a few do the same exercise than me, sometime it's hard but always you have to work on yourself

In general has a good year, of course it have good and bad things but I enjoy the all learning part, to know more people and continue knowing others.
About my evaluations, I think you always have the opportunity of work harder but I try to progress constantly, that is exactly the concept that I try to apply to every category of my life.

Arts and i

When I was in school, one day in an art class, I was doing my final work I realize that I could do that my entire life. So I decided study art and once there I chose for the mention of textile, because is the specialty that I think is closer to the things I want to do in the future.
In my first year I learned about different materials, techniques and operations with them. Was very experimental and autodidact semester however the second semester my classmates and me learned how to weave on loom. We go through traditional tapestry and experimental tapestry. So far we have learned techniques of dyeing like shibori and ikat that consist in dyed reservations by tie and all this aplicated to our personal projects. That’s what I like about textile, because it have a lot of interesting techniques that the most people don’t know so you can create original design almost all the time. That is what I would like to do in the future, mix the things that I love most with the things that I learn in the university.
This year I think a lot about going to somewhere to study clothes design, complement both worlds or something to make me feel comfortable and allow me to live as I want


miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

how green are you?

It is not that I don't care about ecology, but I really don't do anything special for it. I mean, when you go to some place where the basket of trash are different for every type of residues, I separate the things but in my house I don't really do the exercise. I don't think that is because of weakness, I mean I even have a trash bin!! I have the thing but I can't put it back the door of kitchen furniture because I need a drill, so, for the moment, I have a very fancy plastic bag. 
Of course I care about ecology, If I can do something about it, I do. I don't have a car neither a bike so, like any mortal person I use the public transport. I try to not contaminate for free when I'm walking in the street or when I go to natural reservations. For ejample, recently I went to Perito Moreno glacier and, before to start the walking for the walkway there was a sing: "from here you can't smoke" but below, close to ice, there was people smoking. I try to don't do that. 
Now that I think I care about it but I don't do much about it, I mean, besides the obviously things.It is some thing I would like to change.
It funny because, always the publicity allude to us when they talk about ecology care, when the impact of a normal person is minimum, the real change must start for the biggest factories, when they have restrictions days? 

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015


A movie that I love and a movie that I hate.... First I have Memories of a Geisha a movie of Rob Marsall tell the story of a poor little girl name Chiyo who is sold by her family to an Okia (Geisha house) There, mameha (Like the owner of the okia) try to become a geisha from Chiyo. This movie is mainly about older Chiyo and her struggle as a geisha to find love, in the process making a lot of enemies... chan!
I think it have a coherent esthetics because, although is an American movie you can understand the oriental touch and the casting is very good! Is an example that an American guy can took a slice of story from the other side of the word and turn into a good material, not very ambitious.
All that leads me to a movie that I recently see and opposite to the other, this one promise a lot with a strong argument but left you with a funny taste. I don't know if I hate this movie or if I love it and that is Only God Forgives. Is about Julian, a guy who lives in bangkok and have some troubles with him... He run a boxing club that acts as a front for drug trafficking. His mother, head of a powerful criminal organization, disembarks from the United States to repatriate the body of his favorite son, Billy 's brother Julian was killed after being savagely raped and killed a young prostitute . Full of hatred and revenge, Julian 's mother requires the head of the murderers, for which you must then deal with Chang , a strange retired policeman , adored by the other cops. The movie is basically about the family, the pride and loyalty all this beneath a red mist of revenge but it is to artistically slow and I don't know. It is like those movies that when it end, you are out of words, in the good or in the bad meaning.

A day to remember

I feel like this post and the last one are emotionally deep or not? So lets see, a day to remember that it is important for me because I remember a lot of things... This year, I don't remember exactly when but, someday I was in my mother house, it was early but no so much, like around 11am. I was recently wake up and in the house it was just me and my princes Emilia (my dog) when the phone ring! When I answer the guy say to me that he is a policeman and call me to corroborate a situation; immediately ask me if someone out in the morning from the house and I say: yes! my mom. So this asshole stat to tell me that my mom had an accident, she was hit by a car because she cross the street an inappropriate place and, if that wasn't enough, the people on the car result hurt for train to avoid an imprudent mom. Like I'm a person who love her momy in that point of the story I was desperately crying . After the tragedy the guy on the phone say to me that the person who crush my mom was now, ask for money to not present charges against her and that she say that in some place hide in her bedroom there was money and now I have to find it and take it to somewhere that the guy in the phone decide. 
In that moment, when someone tell you something like that with all the details, I never think that it was trick for rob me! and with the adrenaline I start to look up for the supposed money.. and of course after a very long moment I couldn't found a SH.... They do it to me the "cuento del tio"
I don't know how this people don`t touche with the sadness from the others but, I'm no one to judge but I think there is so many ways to get some money so, why ruin and play with someone feelings?

Special song

I have a lot of specials songs, I'm that kind of girl. You know, when a guy dump you or you wake up in the morning feeling amazing. I have a song for all that kind of stuff. But if I have to chose a particularly special song ( in the deep meaning of special) I would say.. "Black" from Pearl Jam. Even thought I love the band and even more the very old songs, this one is more than special for me. Of course it talk about love or instantly I associate with that jajajja but more than the love stuff, the song transport me a few year ago, when I take "important choices", if I can say that. Makes me remember good and bad days but important for my very own process to "grow up" Now when I hear it, obviously I don't reflect in the deep meaning of the song for me, I also just like it, Pearl jam is catchy and you can imagine your self singing in the typical video for MTV with the ripped clothes, shout suffering and living the song at the most pure style of Eddie. 
We all have a moment in our live when the existential questions start to appear, fortunately in my case, those questions wasn't very much philosophical, do you understand? for example I have a friend that remains in things like The Matrix questions ( It's real the universe around me or it just a dream?) jajajajja he is crazy! 
Anyway, Black and some songs of Pink Floyd are very special to me ;) 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu85_WHGd0w ;)

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

My future job

Mmm I think that after university I'll go to somewhere out of this country to study clothing dissing, If the money allow it of course jajajaja. I don't want to go because I don't like Chile or something is just that I would like to live in somewhere else, know different cultures and all that stuff but not for very long time, you know, like for two years or something. Maybe, in this dream place where I'll be studding I work just like a waitress but, once back in Chile I would like to put a little store where I have my sew machine and I can design my very own "dresses".

I would like to teach in some moment of my life, anything, I want to feel what is like but I'm not very sure, my boyfriend do it and it seem very hard. Perhaps if I have more adults students would be more easy and interesting for me. 
I think that whatever I do,if I love it, I'm going to enjoy it, even though sound cliché. Maybe the day of tomorrow I change my mind... who know


miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

An artist that I admire

I don't know if I "admire" someone, its a very strong word for me. Maybe someone of my family because his dedication to me. If I have to say an artist... Now I would say Jenny Saville. She is a British painter  known for her large-scale painted depictions of nude women. I dont really know what the art critical could say but I found her very interesting. Her painting are absolutely amazing and very big by the way. But beside the size of her work, the image by itself are so stunning, I mean, the woman body it's always stunning but the way that she paint her ladies.. you can feel the "emotion " in her faces and the bodies are so real belong to real woman with imperfections, as we all.

If you google at maybe the most of her work it's a little bit rough and socking but it's very intense and that's what I like it most, because with her way to paint she reach an unusual realism.

An other thing that I like of her work is that it talk by itself, you don't need any text on the left to get delight with the painting.
Well, All this is just a supposition because I had never being in front of them.


miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

A country I would loke to vist

I want to know all the countries around the world! No seriously  in this moment of the year I just think in my vacations. I always dream with spend my time in a white beach with turquoise water, or in that kind of landscape that the airlines commercials show in the TV, you know, the one where a very blond kind jump into a beautiful cave with crystalline water in the end. Wherever that is I wanna go there. In a place like that I would like to swim underwater although scares me but like they say "you have to face your fears" There is so many place that I want to know, but in general, of course, I like to visit places where I can relax my self. We live our live faster and faster every day so, is necessary take a break.
When I think in this heavenly destination I picture my self with my boyfriend, like a honeymoon buy without the "lets get married!" thing . He like that kind of activities like climbing and make excursions so I think this place fit perfectly to both because I prefer swim and get tanned but I also can do the other things!
I Almost forget, I wanna eat a lot of traditional food (Where ever I am) 
Maybe sound very much like the "Eat Pray Love" thing, but trust me, That is not the idea. 

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015


When I took the course, I say that my level in English when I was talking it was better than when I write but thanks to this experience what I say previously it’s no longer a reality. At first every word that I want to say I had to search on internet because it was in my mind but I don’t remember how to write them! What it was very stressful. I want to think that I was a little rusty ;)

The writing a blog was for me a very funny and relaxing thing, I think is because in the all week I’m concentrate in my central course that is textile and the blog is an opportunity to do something different. Fortunately the themes are given by the teacher because sometimes the inspiration takes some time and I couldn’t fallow a rhythm. I would like to write about so many things like my favorite book or maybe talk freely about how was my day because in occasions is necessary vent your emotions in somewhere without pressure and let yourself go. I really hope that in the next level the teacher do this same exercises because is a great way to encourage our vocabulary and talking sense  

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

My best friend

I always thought about me as a good friend… I knew my two best friends at the university. In my course was a pretty but quiet girl and just with the time I reach getting close to her. Her name is Fernanda now aka Chanchita. We are veeeeeery different but in spite of, sometimes I think we are the same person, for example, when a girl bad dress past in front of us, we look us in the eyes and make funny faces because we think  the same way .
 A few moths letter I knew Paloma aka Palito, She had a very long red heard like the little mermaid and always a serious expression like she was angry with the entire word. With time I understood that was a mistake! She is the most funny, charismatic and creasy person.  She likes to go for a couple of drinks and then find a place to dance. The story will be perfect if I wasn’t so rigid!
In this all time we have go through for harsh moments like losing family and heart breaks, we been cry together, laugh together. We told us when some clothes it doesn’t look good on you, we share everything and we are in love of shopping’s day.
One of the best moment that I remember was in summer, a not to special day, we hang out in the Paloma apartment like 10 pm. We prepared an experiment drink (turns out a very delicious and refresh drink), put our bikinis and go down to the pool in the middle of the night. We talked about everything while we swimming. I just love my girl they are my true love.

Pd: I hope you are seeing this and because of that, for my sweetness and all that you invite me some piece of delicious sushi YEAH! 

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Best concert I have seen

I’m not been in many concerts over my life because when it come a band that I like is really expensive and sometimes they come together the same week. Under those situations is kind a hard go to see them. But when the economy it’s in my side and I don’t have another priority like a boyfriend birthday I spent money in be at someone’s feet screaming his name.
One of those times was in 2011 when Pearl jam presented in the Estadio Monumental. I’m a huge fan of them since the first time that I have heard “Yellow Ledbetter” sitting alone thinking in my adolescence love.

That day I arrive diced to stand in the wait line outside the stadium and not for my surprise it was eternal. The worse part was when an obviously drunk guy starts to make a bear rain and completely wet me. But having been inside me and my friends finally take a sit in the floor of the arena. I don’t remember how but in some point all people stand up and run to the scenario and I saw how a bunch of feet’s smash a young dude who didn’t reach at time. It was sad and funny at same time.

That night the stadium was completely full so much that the same Eddie Vedder says: “Please at the count of three you are going to take some steps backward.” Even so me and my friends have an incredible time next to Eddie, although after the marathon I them and I practically standalone even one of them lose her sneakers and she couldn’t enjoy the show.  

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

An expert on your field

If I have to chose someone I'll say Coco Channel. 
Actualy the collections of the haute couture house of Channel are beautiful with very classic forms, restrained colors, very elegant in the end. But all the story of this house would be nothing without this woman born in 1883 in France. 
She wasn't always Coco Chanel. She was born beneath the name of Gabrielle Chanel in a family with very precarious economic conditions.
I know it is very typical and maybe cliché to allude to her when you talk about fashion because she was a precursory in the field of avant garde. I say this because she had a very different idea of dressing should be in the middle of Belle Epoque. Her pride and her idea of more simple and comfortable clothes and, I have to say, her relationships with noble gentlemen took her to be a famous icon because of her peculiar style that made contrast with the opulent dresses of the time. 
Probably now my closet isn't full of "Little Black Dresses", ride pants and marinières but I admire her because her determination at the time of being in although her style wasn't the most popular. Some people can say that her fame was because the people that she knew and maybe it is not an example of remarkable life but she is really and inspiration because her way of being to the world and of course her elegance, I mean, you are kidding!, pearls and Channel nro 5 jajajaa.

martes, 21 de julio de 2015

My favorite movie

This is a really hard post because you know, I really love watching movies even I could say that I spend the most of my time doing it. But now I'm gonna talk about my kind of "pleasure" for watch horror movies. I'm a huge fan of all horror movies, even the bad ones, you know which are like a Final Destination vol. I II..XIX where is the same story in all of them or all the ones who have a bunch of stupid teenagers that want to have a wild party in a creepy dark house in the woods far away from every kind of dude who can help them if some guy with a chainsaw chases. In this road make mistakes like the scare thing in the movie it's produced by the rude change of sound for example when a freak ghost suddenly appear in front of the camera and a loud scream came of nowhere. "You have to cover your eyes in a horror movies not your ears for "
I decided to talk about one of the first movies that really scares to me and that is "Shutter"
Tell the story of a photographer who after a friend wedding his girlfriend and him take a drive and accidentally run over a woman who came of nowhere, they run away because its super scary scene. But! after that incident the protagonist is having haunting by a few freak things with no explanation that start to become their life in a constant nightmare. Tun, the photographer perceive odds spectral figures that becomes to appear in his photographs. So according as the movie progress we can discover that the photographer wasn't a very good person and have a very daaaaaark past.
The action happen in Bangkok so the protagonist is a Thai guy with a skinny and disrupted look but I have to say that the real one who is really mess up is the ghostly girl who after dead it comes to torture all those who were mean to her.
I saw the movie when I was little so maybe because of that I was turn out very scary but the true is that it's a really good movie! It have a gloomy scenarios and the haunting is most of the time very much original. My favorite part of curse is the incredible final, I mean after that we think that it's finally all over, the movie reveal the truly and terrifying end.
Anyway its that kind of movie that leave you searching weird shadows in your selfies and with the need of check your weight constantly. After the movie you gonna have to ask: It's something at my side or in my shoulders?

A photograph I like

It comes to my mind a beautiful story that I read in a Galeano's book named " El libro de los abrazos" The story is Art border:
Tell the story of a soldier in a war (I'm not very sure, but I think that its happend in El Salvador ) named Julio Ama who fight with a gun in a hand and his camera in the other. While that go over the city in ruins see a couple of twin brother in some kind of alley. They are the unique surviving of the village and they have like a sixteen years old. When he saw them one of the twin was sitting in the ground and in his knees lie the bloody dead body of his bother. Julio maybe say something but the brother wasn't. He was there but he wasn't there. His eyes looking without seeing lost in somewhere, nowhere and in his face you can find the entire war and all the pain.
Julio put his rifle on the ground and grip his camera, move the movie and found the focus of the image. The brother has in the middle of the viewfinder, perfectly immobile against the wall bite by the bullets.  Julio was going to take the photograph of his life but his finger didn't want. Julio tried again and again but his finger didn't want so put down his camera and he retired in silence.

Im not gonna say that when I read this story that I just told you cry but I'm not gonna tell you the opposed. I don't now why but it touch me so deep in my heart as it was me the one with the camera.
Other stories are also about war and although all of them are the related beneath a very political lens, you can enjoy always of a very touching story

I know that this isn't what the headline say but the story its about a photograph anyway always is good read some beautiful stories written by a Latin-American guy
Don't you think?

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favorite festivity

Well my favorite festivity... Let's see. On July 29 is my birthday and don't misunderstand, I love being on birthday! I love the presents, I love the idea that someone dedicates his time to think what object or thing would be the one for you, exactly for that I hate when you open the present and find chocolates or aromatic candles because it's the easiest gift! But my big problem with that special day is that all the people that you love wants to be with you and being the one who receives all the attention it's so embarrassing.
However on your birthday you always eat what you want eat, sometimes you have cake (In my case, I love the ice cake of raspberry and cream...mmmm) and the tradition of blowing the candles and make a wish it's so pretty.
I don't know if you know but many places give you a discount for your birthday, so you can get out to eat something and its cheaper even you can go to watch a movie for free! I always dream of making a lot of different things like that in my day but for some reason my birthday falls on a weekday and I have to go to classes or do another more important thing than going for a wile to the movie.
A good side is also that nothing is close! Don't you hate that when it's Christmas all the supermarket, all the restaurants, all the service in general are close! I understand the reason but, to prevent not to lack of anything you have to go shopping an entire day even days before! All the shops, the streets, everywhere you look is full of people and it's exhausting
So yeah, I think my favorite festivity is my birthday even though it could be New Year's too.


jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Expectations for a new semester

This semester, in fact the all past year I'm in the specialty textile class here at the university so I invest most of my time (even the free time that I have) in activities associated with the fiber. Now for example me and my class are making in  something called Shibori that it is a technique for dyed fabric liven one part without dyed (if you now what i mean). Sometimes is really hard, its one way to say so! but i love the process. Play with the color and the forms is very funny, at list if you have the time, when you run against the clock... not to much

I don't now if you remember but in the last post I say that I love clothes, so for keep my mind away from the university and his demands, I took classes of lingerie witch is very complicated for the nature of his execution but I have to say that when you see the final result it's like "oh I'm a goddess" specialty when you put on the underwear match and you fell amazing in the mirror.
Personally I don't pretend dedicated my life at lingerie but if I can get a little bit of money of all this will be grate for my personal economy.
              "You need a job if you want a new pair of shoes every month"

For extra record I want (I hope, I beg to good!) to lose a few kilos! I'm not a fat person but you know the vanish of a women doesn't know limits. the thing is that my boyfriend is super thin and he is really taller than me. It was very shocking when we first meet but I can't understand way because he eat like a pig! Im not kidding! The worse part is that we looooove junk food but as you can imagine he doesn't gain weight (I think that he has a devil's deal)
What else?  Oh! I almost forgot the say that one of my expectations for this new semester is became in the new master chef of my house (even when I live alone). I'm NOT a god cocker and if I stay this way, one day I'm gonna be dead, intoxicated but my own food

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


Hi! my name is karla. I was born in Santiago. I'm twenty years old and I'm a student of Art the university of Chile.
I have one little brother named Cristobal who is still in the school. He is my half brother, he is just my father's son . Unfortunately I dont see him very often because I don't have a very good relationship with my dad. I think mostly it is because I never felt that he is in with me. At least not now. But that is a diferent story.
I live in a very small apartment near the university with my quite black poodle named Emilia who always moves her tale and kisses me all over the face when I come home.
I have to say that I love clothes, in fact recently I bought a beautiful green dress with a little weird form but I think it is very original. I'm not a compulsive buyer! The dress is for my mom weeding now in May. I'm so happy that she lives her life again happily with a new love. Sometimes I also dream with the day but then I remember that I will lose my independence and I will have to cook for someone else. Have a husband is not the same as having a dog, you cant take the bag with food, put in a plate with the water and leave it on the floor.