lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Best concert I have seen

I’m not been in many concerts over my life because when it come a band that I like is really expensive and sometimes they come together the same week. Under those situations is kind a hard go to see them. But when the economy it’s in my side and I don’t have another priority like a boyfriend birthday I spent money in be at someone’s feet screaming his name.
One of those times was in 2011 when Pearl jam presented in the Estadio Monumental. I’m a huge fan of them since the first time that I have heard “Yellow Ledbetter” sitting alone thinking in my adolescence love.

That day I arrive diced to stand in the wait line outside the stadium and not for my surprise it was eternal. The worse part was when an obviously drunk guy starts to make a bear rain and completely wet me. But having been inside me and my friends finally take a sit in the floor of the arena. I don’t remember how but in some point all people stand up and run to the scenario and I saw how a bunch of feet’s smash a young dude who didn’t reach at time. It was sad and funny at same time.

That night the stadium was completely full so much that the same Eddie Vedder says: “Please at the count of three you are going to take some steps backward.” Even so me and my friends have an incredible time next to Eddie, although after the marathon I them and I practically standalone even one of them lose her sneakers and she couldn’t enjoy the show.  

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